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Positive Discipline

Creating Parents

In LdV we have implemented positive discipline as the way we work with students behavior.  In the Spanish class we also use the same approach as all the teachers and staff. Here you will find some tips on how positive discipline can help you develop self-discipline,responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skill to your child. 

Positive Discipline is based on the philosophy and teachings of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs in which guide us in the development of self-discipline, responsibility and cooperation of our children.

The goal of positive discipline is to help children to control themselves. When you discipline your children, you are teaching them to distinguish right from wrong. They show them how to respect other people and get along with them. Discipline does not mean punishment of children yelling or hitting them. Discipline is teaching, not punishment

Encourage good behavior

The discipline starts with a relationship of love and respect between parents and child. To listen to their children, show them affection and spend time, you are creating the basis for a positive relationship. You encourage good behavior to pay attention to children when they perform positive and useful activities.

Parents can prevent many behavioral problems in establishing a secure environment and daily for children know what is expected of them routines.

For young children:

Establish safe places where children can play and explore.

Establish consistent routines and schedules for meals and bedtime.

Modify their schedules to meet the needs of your child. Avoid shopping during

a long time when your child is hungry or tired.

Let your child choose whenever possible so they can feel a sense of

Control: "Do you want cereal or eggs for breakfast?"

Teach your children how to perform simple chores like setting the table or folding

clean clothes for them to feel that help the family.

For older children or adolescents:

Pay attention to the interests and strengths of your child. Encourage their participation in

activities you enjoy. See how you can be part of the activities.

As children grow, gradually give them more responsibility for housework. Let them know specifically how they are helping, "When you leave

the kitchen clean after eating a snack, I is easier to cook dinner. "" I appreciate

when you help me wash the dishes without having to ask you. "

Listen to the ideas and concerns with your child about school and friends.

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